Discover Parenting 2017 Student Project Awards
Take a look at the following Powerpoint presentation of 2017 USEP-OHIO Discover Parenting Project entrants and winners.
The 2017 Discover Parenting entrants in both the Photo and Action Project categories, chosen by their teachers and Ohio school students to participate, include a wide range of subject matter. They reflect both new issues, urgent messages of safe and thoughtful parenting and recent research crucial for parents to know how to protect their children 24/7 at home, in the community and on our streets and highways. Every entrant’s offering is thoughtful and teaches responsibility and safety.
First Place Winner

"Splashing My Way to Safety as My Mommy Holds Me Tight"
Jalyn Hunsbarger, Newton High School, Conover, OH
Teacher – Patsy Burnside
Jalyn’s photo reflects some of the most important challenges for parents of babies and toddlers. Mobility and curiosity are potent stimulants for a child’s exploration of their environment. So the safety of those children can only be guaranteed when safe in a parent’s careful grasp, in an environment modified to meet the challenges of their exploration.
We at USEP-OHIO have personally experienced the deaths of three toddlers in neighborhood backyard pools – well remembered, from the years past when there were few pool safety standards or health regulations designed to keep children safe. Tragic memories!
Safe Kids Dangerous Waters Research Report published June, 2016 tells us, “In 2014 drowning was the leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 1 to 4…nearly two-thirds of those drowning took place between the months of May through August…For swimming pools it is likely the increased curiosity and mobility of 1-4 year olds that explains their increased risk of drowning in this setting. More than 7 out of 10 fatal pool drownings in children from 2005 to 2014 occurred among those under age 5, and most of these in backyard pools.”
See more about pool safety for children of all ages; tools for parents to help kids stay safe; more about water safety of all kinds and for all ages; and 30 publications including Dangerous Waters at from Safe Kids Worldwide. For more information go to the following links.
Second Place Winner

"Smiles for Safety"
Sheyenne Davis, Upper Valley Career Center – Sidney Satellite, Sidney, OH
Teacher – Beverly Holthaus
This smiling infant reminds us that going in the car is part of the life of an American infant. The joy of being able to go see friends or family, accompany parents on their errands, head for infant care, or just go for a ride in the car is an important part of the American way of life today. The challenges of finding the affordable child seat that correctly meets the needs of the child, fits the family vehicle, and will suit the parents’ expectations as well as the laws of the state are complicated. Ease of use is important, materials that are manufactured to be comfortable for the child and easy to clean and maintain are all important issues. See more resources below.
- Ohio Department of Health – Child Passenger Safety Law
- Ohio Department of Health – Ohio Passenger Safety Regional Coordinators
- NHTSA Parents and Caregivers Page
Third Place Winner

"Being Safe and Responsible Starts Before Birth”
Jayce Klink, Mahoning County Career and Technical Center; Bellefontaine, OH
Teacher – Julie Pagnotta
Jayce’s photo combines some important elements – a unique view of safety before the birth. Planning ahead, critical thinking and seeking information regarding safety facts, as well as a large investment in time, money and thoughtfulness about what’s ahead will keep parents less stressed and more focused on the birth itself. The “soon to be” parent has many responsibilities to the expected child, that require investments of time, money and resources best prepared before the baby arrives. This photo represents all of these. No last minute picking up a child safety seat at the hospital for this expectant mom. She is placing her expected baby’s approved child seat in the proper (for newborns) rear facing seat position behind the front passenger seat. As she works to properly install the seat, and tests the restraints, she knows to ask a child seat professional, like those Child Passenger Safety (CPS) experts trained in every county. Ask your doctor, nurse or go to the Ohio Department of Health for information to make good choices. Note the list of resources at the end of this document for more.
The Ohio Department of Health’s child passenger safety (CPS) program, Ohio Buckles Buckeyes (OBB), provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible low income families in all Ohio counties. The overall goal of this program is to increase the availability of child safety seats for families who could not otherwise afford them and to increase correct installation and proper use of child safety seats.
Through the coordinated efforts of a network of local and regional CPS coordinators, the OBB Program distributes child safety seats and booster seats and provides CPS education. The OBB Program has distributed more than 17,000 child safety seats and booster seats to low income families in Ohio over the past five years.
Honorable Mention

"Ten Fingers...Ten Toes...Safely Swinging She Goes"
Dustin Watkins, Upper Valley Career Center – Sidney Satellite, Sidney, OH;
Teacher – Beverly Holthaus
A calm and happy baby in this photo reminds us that parents today often prepare for dealing with the fussy times, by using a variety of infant products and tools that can be a big help to offering options and keeping youngsters near them as they go about their daily tasks. Swings and hand held or standing carriers can be good options and give infants a chance to be in the midst of family times but still in their own safe seats. It is critical that parents check on the safety ratings or concerns when they purchase these items or use those that come as gifts.
- Consumer Product Safety Comission
-–manufacturing/business-education/business-guidance/infant-swings/ Gives information regarding infant swings.
-–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Hand-Held-Infant-Carriers Gives information regarding infant carriers.
Discover Parenting 2017 Project Information:
Additional Notes on the 2017 Photos
Thanks to hard working students and diligent teachers all of the 2017 photos have been on display in the Riffe Center for Government and the Arts in the Statehouse Complex through May and into June; and will be displayed in several venues, including the NAWHSL (National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders) Annual Conference in Louisville, KY, in September; in Columbus at the OATFACS (Ohio Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences) Annual Conference the first week in August, 2017. The 2016 Discover Parenting Exhibit was on display recently at the Kalahari Conference Center in Sandusky, Ohio, during the all-Ohio Early Childhood Education Conference sponsored by the state and the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children.
Congratulations to all! We hope your school, your community and local papers and newsletters will help you tell the story of your participation in Family and Consumer Sciences Classes and Discover Parenting – 2017. Teachers, look for the Discover Parenting 2018 registration soon at and view the Discover Parenting photos from the past.
Ohio Resources:
- Ohio Child Passenger Safety Program Overview
- Ohio Law – Ohio Revised Code 4511.81
- Boost Ohio’s Kids Brochure
- Pocket Card of Ohio Occupant Protection Laws
- Ohio Child Passenger Safety Coordinators Contact Information
Local Resources for Safety Advocates:
- Dayton Children’s Resources – Navigating Booster Seats
- Center for Injury Research and Policy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital – Safety Boost Education Tool
Other Links:
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- NHTSA Information about the New Car Seat Guidelines
- New Recommendations Chart – 4 Steps Flyer
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- AAP Policy Statement Child Passenger Safety
- AAP Technical Report Child Passenger
- Governor’s Highway Safety Administration (GHSA) State Laws
- Kid’s Health Auto Safety
- Safe Kids USA Car Seats, Booster Seats and Seat Belt Safety
For more information email: [email protected]