Parenting Tips
Parent Tips are provided by the United Services for Effective Parenting-Ohio, Inc. as a tool to assist parents, teachers, grandparents and all who help to care or raise our children. For more Parent Tips refer to the links in the lower section this page. We have provided parenting tips that cover a variety of subject areas including: healthy eating, divorce, stress, driving, alcohol use, home safety and many more.
USEP-OHIO PARENT TIP: A Biking Mom on Helmet Safety
This brief Parent Tip is provided at no cost by United Services for Effective Parenting-Ohio, Inc. as a tool to assist parents, teachers, grandparents and all who help to care for and to raise our children. For more information on this and other tools from USEP-OHIO refer to the conclusion of this Parent Tip.
Stephanie Gosk is a mom and a reporter for NBC News. Recently Stephanie reported that in March, she was flying down a hill like the wind, feeling wonderfully young and enthusiastic as she tried to catch up with friends ahead, when her bike hit a huge pothole caused by the winter freezes and thawing. The impact was dramatic. She crashed and was dragged face-first on the pavement as her bicycle slid across the concrete.
The injuries to her face and head included black eyes, large swellings and bruises, a badly abraised nose, and she looked as if she had been beaten. Her hand, and thumb, required a specialist for hand surgery to repair a badly injured thumb and hand. She missed work, and needed care for herself and for her children. It was a very serious event and could have cost her, her life! She credits her well-fitting helmet with saving her. Watch this video from April 27, 2022 where Stephanie Gosk shares bike accident story and highlights helmet safety.
Stephanie gave us the gift of telling her story, to save us and our children from a similar accident and injury. She noted that when she observes groups of cyclists she is often amazed that few are wearing helmets. Stephanie was protected from concussion. The Brain Injury Association of America tells us that riders not wearing helmets are twice as likely to have a brain injury!
People Magazine covered her experience saying, “Gosk Urges Bike Safety After Her ‘Gruesome’ Crash: ‘I am Extraordinarily Lucky’!” Although she had many facial injuries which required stitches, her head was fine, “thanks to my helmet. My helmet was cracked through in two places!”
Look for the following resources:
- Watch Today on Instagram, to read Stephanie’s personal essay and see photos April 27-29.
- See ratings for helmets offering the best protection @Stefan_M_Duma, Virginia Tech ICTAS (@ictasvt), read Stephanie’s story on Twitter April 28.
Did you know that helmets are dated, and should be disposed of at the end of 5 years due to the breakdown of the materials making helmets less protective with the passage of time? Be careful when choosing a used helmet to be sure it is NOT cracked and not past its fifth birthday! For printable bike safety posters, how to fit a helmet, coloring sheets, bike safety pictures, handouts, activity kits in English and Spanish, go to, and
We invite you to share this USEP-OHIO publication with other parents, students and professionals at home or work. You have permission to copy Tips as written, send on as email, or print for a newsletter or handout. Email us at [email protected] to add email addresses to our list, to give us feedback about how the information works for you, or for other topics, publications and programs see CindyMcKay, Executive Director.

Parenting Tips

- A Toy Checkup
- A Biking Mom on Helmet Safety
- Be Confident – Prepare!
- Dad, Tell Your Stories
- Divorce In The Family
- Fall Frustrations
- From Bossy to Balanced
- From Winter to Spring
- Give Baby a Fair Start
- Good Models for Kids
- Grandparents On Bikes
- Healthy Babies Love Books
- It’s Not Your Fault
- I Need Some Space!
- Just Dad
- Keep Your Teen Safe
- Keeping Our Babies Safe
- Let Optimism Rule!
- Listen With Your Eyes
- Micro-managing Our Kids
- Mom’s Our First Teachers
- Night Terrors
- Parent and Teach in Prime Time
- Q and A Caffeine Dangers
- Reminders from Trayvon One Mom’s Experiences
- Safety in Cyberland
- Signs Your Child Drinks
- Speak Now You Must
- Surviving Holiday Stress
- Taking Care of Our Teens
- Talk to Kids After Disasters
- Teaching Kids to Care
- Teens and Summer Safety
- Thanks for Caring for Kids
- Time Choices-Challenges
- The Gift of Sleep
- The School-Home Team
- Trade Halloween Treats
- Tuning In to the Earth
- Winter Health Ideas
We invite you to share these USEP-OHIO publications with other parents, students and professionals at home or work. You have permission to copy Parenting Tips as written. Please use these in an email, or print for a newsletter or handout. Email us at [email protected] to add your email address to our list, or to give us feedback about how the information works for you. For other topics, publications and programs see and Cindy McKay, Executive Director, USEP-OHIO, Inc. (614) 571-8313 [email protected]