Discover Parenting 2022 Student Project Awards
Take a look at the following Powerpoint Presentation of 2022 Discover Parenting Awards project entrants.
Discover Parenting is the title of the project, created by United Services for Effective Parenting – Ohio, Inc. (USEP-OHIO). It includes a classroom program designed to complement secondary curriculum and assist students in secondary schools to explore the theme, “How Does it Feel to be a Safe and Responsible Parent?” Students create individual or group projects, submit photos, and express their thoughts through captions. The photos are ranked based on their originality, composition, creativity and insight to the responsibilities and their feelings about parenting.
Covid Category - This category recognizes the Pandemic in 2020 and 2021 Photo Exhibits!
First Place Winner

“Masking Up Protects Those You Care For and Those You Care About"
Lynnz Gonzalez, Boardman, OH
Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, Youngstown, OH
Teacher: Julie Pagnotta – Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Lynnz shows us a wonderful classroom photo as a masked teacher models healthy behavior for her students as she reads to them. The tension of the Coronavirus Pandemic has often been created by adults who are much less able to be flexible in their behavior. This photo makes the point so well – “Mask Up!” It is an historic time, and a historic response. Mask up to fight the enemy, the virus and its variants!
Special Mention Category - These photos are recognized for teaching special life messages
First Place Winner

“Safety is the New Cool" - A generational comment
Luke Dodds, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker, Anna High School
Luke brings out the edgy and fun, as he reminds us that being safe is not a boring old task, but a hot new responsibility employing critical new technologies and ideas for a new generation! New safety and newly communicated techniques can quickly reach people and save lives all over the world.
Second Place Winner

“There are Lots of Twists, Turns, and Bumps in the Road on the Journey through Life . . . Being There Through It All is What Matters!”
Brianna Miller, North Lima, OH
Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, Youngstown, OH
Teacher: Julie Pagnotta – Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Moms and other adults who care are quick to reflect student achievement. Indeed being there to watch and record is a critical step in teaching thoughtful behavior and critical thinking. Reinforcing critical thinking leads to thinking and behaving safely.
Third Place Winner

“Put the Phone Down and Weld New Hobbies Within You"
Brandon Axe, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Brandon urges students to put the phone down. And he uses welding as an example of a new skill, a new experience, that might have been missed entirely. When not distracted by temporal amusements like our cell phones we have time to absorb with depth and concentration and explore new life-expanding realms.
New Special Topics Category - Human Trafficking; Opioid/Substance Abuse; Safe at School and Community; Safe in a New Land (immigrant resettling)
First Place Winner

“Aim For the Right Kind of High”
Kylie Gillespie, Campbell, OH
Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, Youngstown, OH
Teacher: Julie Pagnotta – Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Opioids and other mind-altering drugs and chemicals can cause a high, but Kylie shows us that honing skills through practicing sports and other activities can lead us to enjoy learning to reach high in life!
Second Place Winner

“Smoking Helps You Relax in the Graveyard"
Grace Bensman, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Grace created a provocative picture encouraging viewers not to pretend that there is no scientific research that clearly indicates smoking can seriously damage our bodies and minds and shorten our lives! In other words, wake up!
Original Category - Highway and Home Safety
First Place Winner

“No Matter How Far, No Matter Whose Car, Always Buckle Up"
Aubrie Coyer, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
What an incredibly fun photo, as these friends show us how to safely buckle up everyone! The car does not move until we are all focused and buckled up! It’s a car full of enthusiastic safety leaders encouraging their pals and secondary students everywhere to go out for fun and bring it home with stories because you kept it safe!
Second Place Winner

“Stay Safe & Bike on the Right"
Brooke Pettus, Botkins, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Brooke illustrates the long, safe road ahead when learning to bike safely beside fast cars and trucks or a quiet roadway. Stay focused and save gasoline. Save Lives. Bike safely!
Second Place Winner

“No Text is Worth a Death"
Kayleigh Davidson, Sidney, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
It takes emotional maturity to focus on your driving, not be distracted by a cell phone! Research tells us that most distracting texts are about relatively low priorities in life! Staying alive is of the highest priority! What a shame to lose your life over a text!
Third Place Winner

“Make Sure You Pull Your Car Outside So You Don’t Poison Yourself from Carbon Monoxide"
Taylor Poeppelman, Sidney, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Taylor created a first for Discover Parenting. Such a simple oversight or careless action, like turning on the ignition as you tune up or maintain your car could end your life. Never keep your car running in a closed garage or near an open doorway.
Third Place Winner

“Lead the Way, Safety Today”
Rebecca Toth, Austintown, OH
Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, Youngstown, OH
Teacher: Julie Pagnotta – Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
What a bright and happy little traveler! She is wearing her pretty pink dress and matching shoes. And best of all, she is properly boosted and buckled in for safety!
Honorable Mention

“When You’re Distracted, Who’s Driving?"
Ashley Bertke, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Emotional Inattention! Ashley reminds us of the basics. Nobody is paying attention to the road, if their attention is on the phone, or the voice of a friend, or thinking what to say next! Nobody is driving if your mind is on other things…school, hair – nobody!
Honorable Mention

“Nothing is More Important Than Your Life"
Kaitlin Rickert, Ketterlersville, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Honorable Mention

“Is Your Text More Important Than Your Life?”
Abbie McEldowney, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Special Mention Infant Category (Original Highway and Home Safety)
First Place Winner

“Mom’s Cruising So Baby Can Stay Snoozing!”
Shelby Puckett, Piqua, OH
Upper Valley Career Center, Piqua, OH
Teacher: Beverly Holthaus – Upper Valley Career Center
Mom can truly relax and pay attention to being on task as she drives, while baby is comfortable and feeling safe and secure enough to take a little nap. Mom can concentrate on her safe driving! It’s a win – win!
Second Place Winner

“Click It or Ticket . . . No Worries for Me”
Ethan Norman Ray Sherry, Troy, OH
Upper Valley Career Center, Piqua, OH
Teacher: Beverly Holthaus – Upper Valley Career Center
This very young infant maybe a premie is nicely tucked in rear facing and safe! Ethan reminds us that Click It or Ticket! sums up the simplest message ever about safe seating! Click it and you are Safe! You are subject to a Ticket if you don’t Click it!
Third Place Winner

“Safety for Me Is As Easy As Can Be!"
Jory Brussell, Troy, OH
Upper Valley Career Center, Piqua, OH
Teacher: Beverly Holthaus – Upper Valley Career Center
Another safely seated little traveler! Jory shows us another kind of approved seat and how important it can be to make every new day safe and secure for parents and their precious new cargo.
Honorable Mention

“Don’t Become a Statistic, Never Sleep with Your Baby"
Gabby Myers, Anna, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Gabby demonstrates by safely using the doll, that well-meaning parents might easily make the mistake of thinking their tiny infants are safe next to a parent or older child. Frightening stories tell us that it is simply not true. Every new parent should learn about safe sleeping positions, the dangers of unsafe cribs and other sleep dangers.
Honorable Mention

“Safe Sleep is Kool"
Alisha Cruse, Sidney, OH
Anna High School, Anna, OH
Teacher: Brenda Wuebker – Anna High School
Honorable Mention

“Safer Sleep for Every Sleep”
Madison Carroll, Alliance, OH
Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, Youngstown, OH
Teacher: Julie Pagnotta – Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Discover Parenting 2022 Project Information:
Ohio Family and Consumer Sciences educators are among the many teaching groups who have shared personal stories about their own heartbreaking and frustrating experiences: Students who became addicted, and simply “dropped out” in every way;
Parents of their students – who are addicts, and neglect their children, in every realm (emotionally, physically, socially) leaving them to survive on their own; Parents who have died of overdoses and the enormity of the impact on our students and their siblings, family members, friends, school districts, courts, law enforcement, and all of us struggling to keep up with the constant impact of these complex crises and the lifelong results.
Student photos are on display at the Statehouse Complex Riffe Center and will be displayed at the Ohio Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences conference, and other conferences as available.
Enroll Now
- April 15 is the deadline for entry into the annual Discover Parenting project.
- Contact Pat Fountain [email protected] to enroll and for more information.
- The statewide exhibit will be on display in the lobby of the Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, at the Statehouse complex in Columbus and at other conferences as possible.
- Content Standards for Career and Technical Education intersect with Discover Parenting tasks.
- Winning photos are announced to teachers during the annual conference of OATFACS, the Ohio Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Science in Columbus and winners are recognized at the annual conference of the National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL) at their national conference and the Ohio Early Childhood Education Conference in Sandusky, each spring.
USEP-OHIO materials available (but not required to teach Discover Parenting) “Kids in the Car with Grandparents and Others Who Care”. Teachers involved in Discover Parenting often use the USEP-OHIO materials provided in a teaching kit written by Cindy McKay. “Kids in the Car” is a NAWHSL publication developed through a safety grant to USEP-OHIO. It can be used to make video presentations to schools and in a variety of group settings.
“Discover Parenting Classroom Manual” original is available from the USEP-OHIO office [email protected]; and is presently being updated with new resources and information. “Discover Parenting Classroom Manual” was printed with support from the Ohio Department of Education includes tools which augment Ohio curriculum and was originally developed by USEP-OHIO with the support of many partners to reach teachers and their students. The Family and Consumer Sciences teachers in Ohio comprise the largest group of participants in the program, but its application could be used in student groups and organizations of all kinds.
Cindy McKay, Executive Director of USEP-OHIO said of Discover Parenting, “These students are likely to be parents in the next few years. I wish every student in Ohio had time during the high school years to think through and experience what these kids have in their class work. We are very excited about Discover Parenting and the great teachers who use it as a tool.”
Discover Parenting Guidelines
For more information contact: Pat Fountain, Project Manager, [email protected]